jigalypuff, those look good. What modeling software do you use?

Well, how opposed would you guys be to creating a ship model explicitly for this project and the best one will be used for the combat demo? The combat demo is just multiplayer dogfighting where everyone flies the same ship model (ideally with different colored skins). Whoever has the best model I have a few other items that need to be done. However, based on what I've seen thus far, this is a great place to find modelers and once the combat demo has been released I'll be needing more than just the one modeler so even if I don't decide to use a model for the combat demo I very well might want to use it for the full game.

Does that sound reasonable? The ship just needs to be a basic fighter ship. In my head I think of it as sort of like the X-Wings from Star Wars but with the wings closed.