" So, the learning curve to make level, make a scene, add a player, some enemies is very short"

Well that's all tha counts , instead of coding , like i said , i target : produce levels , characters 3D art only , and just game behaviour script. Simple to use that's what i want : )

"The S2 way of working is completely diferent from BV. BV is alot more easy, I think that BV is the easiest engine out there"
Coo lhting to ear, even if i coud only make some Adventure/FPS , i prefer to do it with all package ready ot go instead of dealing with missing tools or coding missing ones

"But it has a lot of problems and Did you play the demo that I posted here? You can also see another video of the FPSdemo"
Yeah , i played the demo , and seeing dynamic lights interacting with
shaders and shadows, with some post process effect , all working and incredibly smooth on my PC , make me only think in a quality AAA engine

Even if it's not terrain oriented ? it can serve for third person games, arcade or FPS/Adventure or what you can imagine in 3D with a camera

I keep an eye on it.