...that's why I'm asking some advices!

I'm planing to buy a new workstation (medium class). It should be able to deal with all major 3d tasks (not superhighpoly cinematic stuff) and it'll be nice if it could run next-gen games fluent enough.

I was thinking about a Dell Dimension 9200 with an Intel core duo (quad core E6600) 2.4, 2 Gig RAM, 256MB Nvidia G-Force 8600 GTS (PCI-e), 2x250 Gig SATA RAID 0 HD's.

I know...the graphics accelerator is not the best but it should do...no??

...Or would it be more clever to homebrew my PC? If yes, wich main components would you recomend (medium price/performance class!)?

Thanks for helping!