
Although Quad core is cool, how many applications/games are make use of this cpu?

I checked this out. I bought a new motherboard plus dual core cpu and checked all my applications. All the games that I have do not use the second core. So everything that counts is the speed of one core. One single core of the dual cpu was only slightly faster then my old single-core-cpu so I did not see measurable differences at all.

My modelling / rendering application Lightwave can use several threads for rendering and thus was a bit faster with 2 cores.

Some applications like TheGIMP crashed with this new hardware. I dont know the real reason. I changed all drivers and did everything I could think of. At the end I switched back to my old hardware and sold the board, memory and cpu. The advantage was too small and stability is my most important issue.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft