

Lol, "massive" is overrated ... isn't matter just all these vacuums of space next to eachother and such?

We really don't know what Mass is! At the lowest level, mass is categorized into leptons and quarks. Leptons are like the electron and neutrino while quarks are the constituents of protons and neutrons (and many many more).

However, the standard model has NO firm explanation for what gives these particles mass nor what mass "is". Right now, there is a very important experiement at the LHIC trying to find the Higg's particle, a theoretical particle/field that gives leptons and quarks their mass. But still, this is further deconstruction and why mass behaives the way it does (and it's connection to gravity) are still mysteries.

Okey, but the theory about some sort of nucleus with a constant 'mass' is already history I think, because even that nucleus seems to consist of more vacuum and less 'mass' the more you zoom into it.

On a totally unrelated note I think the fact that we can not find the true 'mass' may have the same reason as why we can't find 'thoughts' inside the human brain. It's all just interpretations and definitions of what we haven't fully understood yet. (If that sounded like total nonsense to you then I've probably misunderstood certain parts of a movie called 'What the bleep do we know', a popular science documentary-something about quantum physics... not quite a good source for anything serious I think.)


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