The project I have started up was initially a temple-type of level, for my kids to walk through and learn about the virtues as they were originally presented in Ultima IV, but has expanded in potential scope to become a mini-Ultima that takes place after Ultima IX.

The basic overview of the project involves the player, let's call them a new Stranger, coming to the world that the shard of old Britannia merged with (from the original storyline, not the release version), several hundred years after the events of U9. Due to centuries of strife between themselves and the inhabitants of this strange new world, the decendents of Old Britannia have long forgotten the virtues in the face of basic survival. The Stranger must rediscover the virtues, and unite the Britannians with their history and heritage to stave off a threat from an old nemesis once thought to be vanquished.

The basic style is intended to be 3rd person shooter fantasy adventure (think Heretic 2), with mostly puzzle-solving, and maybe some combat and magic... but can be shifted if it fits the story and depending on the capabilities of the team.

I am a beginner at level design, texture creation and scripting, and am only starting to get into modelling and animation, so the help I'll be needing, should any be interested, will be in all areas, but specifically:

-Sound and music production
-Modelling and Animation
-2D artwork, mainly texturing but some concept art as well
-Scripters, working with A6

This is a labor of love, for the most part and the end result is going to be something that (if a green light is given by EA and Mr. Garriott) is distributed for free, so anyone that is interested should understand that any work done is credit only, entirely at their own convenience and will not be reimbursed. Should I fail to get the go ahead to use the basic concepts involved, we would do a rewrite of the game to erase any references to Ultima and see about the possibility of moving forward with it as a commercial project, at which time we can take a look at what method will be used to compensate everyone for their involvement.

The goal is to produce a working, smooth, finished product that everyone would be proud to put their name on, so, if you are interested, please PM me or send an email to .
