eh... it's worth a shot. If I don't ask, I will never get any answers, so...

I did join one here a while back, but RL issues put a kabosh on that with regards to the team 'leader', so, I have already done that particular bit of projection ***grins***

I am still in the Navy and still have about 18 months to go before I retire and go to school to get an associates in Game design and Programming, so there is the real limiter as far as bringing together a close knit, local team. These circumstances really only leave a remote team as an option.

As a result of that, there is no real time crunch here, as it is a casual, learn-as-we-go project. I will pop back from time to time and bump this back up to keep the line open, because although we are becoming fewer and further between, I know there are still some Dragons out there that would love to do something like this and might just have the skills needed to help out.