
I know this sounds crazy. But it's the most logic explanation for me. Why else does he still have vivid memories of six whole months?

It may simply have been the result of damage because of his accident, perhaps his brain simply needed 6 months to recover before it was 'able to accept' what has happened? Perhaps this dreaming is what made it possible for him to actually make it and live? A strong will to live?

I don't think his dream was an actual experience, because did he ever physically leave the hospital? If not, then how come he experienced what happened to him in two universes? Wouldn't that be a bit strange? I don't think it's possible to be aware of such things, because we don't actually experience this íf there is a thing as multi-verses. Those 'other' people are not you, but more or less 'clones' of 'you'. That begs the question though, how would you recognize yourself in those other universes when their lives have been completely different? I think people tend to underestimate the importance of single events in one life when it comes to the possible future.

Anyways, I think it's save to say he was simply asleep and dreamed it all,


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