
The majority of the consoles (like ps3 and xbox360)
use videos for the cutscenes, when not using then you can
see the noticiable low quality compare to in hardware cutscenes

Why not use videos (¿WHD, if you have a PIV 3ghz think) intead of a realtime render

If you talk about PS2 and XBOX1 then you may be right, but for PS3 and XBOX360 i think they dont use videos, when you play a video you notice its a little blurry, and its all generated by the game engine, i will use videos in some pats, but in other parts where you want your characters to interact or to talk eachother you need to do it realtime, if i do it with videos it won't look very professional. The players have to see that the graphics are good, if the play with low poly models "waiting" for a cutscene to see the character details, then its a littel boring.

Even some PS2 games like Final fantasy X and Final Fantaxy XII used realtime a lot, (FF12 used realtime almost 90% of the game)

Working in a RPG