
My goal wasn't to turn this thread into an argument. But for sakes of ending your scolding in a Showcase forum (cough cough).

You've never released a commercial game. You should congratulate those or do some mindful thinking of projects that come about with success. Just because this game doesn't fulfill your tastes, it may fill everyone elses on this forum! Do not discourage projects and dis on other peoples works.

And I was not including unfinished work. The hard part is finishing a game, not starting one! Now let us let this thread continue, if you want to continue this discussion please open a Morbius thread.

first: how do you want to know what i finnished?

then: hey, he is posting stuff he had nothing to do with... and if you would have played it youŽd know its bad.. but go ahead, say something.. everything you say is based on opinions, like everything i say. the difference is i actually played this crap months ago... and you?