Very nice, thank you.


Its funny how often you say "Conitec should..". Not because I don't agree with you, but how often you say this. I think Conitec should judge what to do next by themselves.

Particles are quiet fast. People arguing that drawing many many many particles at the same time is very fps consuming compared to other engines could be right, but most often people tend to overuse particles or dont know how to decrease particle's without decreasing the actual number of particles or bmap ressources to use them - by keeping up the quality on the same level.

The most common things which affect particles can be done with the current particle system. Things like wind or so are very simple: take a global vector which represents the wind direction and by it's length the strength. Each particle event function which should be affected by this calls a function with a particle parameter (PARTICLE* p) which modifies the particle's velocity parameters, etc. The same for much other things - the benefit you get from touching it by yourself is that you have 100% control over it.

Though, I can understand that an advanced particle system could help modeling better effects and a lot of people don't have the knowledge or the pleasure (like I have) to write it down.

Maybe Bloodline's plugin is able to help the few people which are _really_ in the need for such particle systems.


Maybe you can shorten the function names and constants of that plugin. The lines are a bit too long for my taste for such simple instruction. Just as a hint.. I love short lines

Last edited by HeelX; 09/30/07 21:27.