

It is fricking awesome! Been playing it for the past two weeks and all the classes are masterfully balanced against each other.

Lol, I sooo disagree with you there. It's not balanced perfectly. The Spy is WAY too powerful and the Sniper often doesn't kill with one shot (yes, in the head that is..). Either that last thing is a bug, or the sniper is simply underpowered. (btw, there was blood, so I didn't miss.)

I also think that it takes too much time for the Heavy Gunner to kill someone when you aim at an enemy constantly, but perhaps my aiming skills are simply lacking (or it sprays so wide that you miss nearly half of the time even íf your aim is good?).

The shotgun could use some more power too, it doesn't feel like a powerful weapon, but I do like it's ineffectiveness at longer range.

Anyways, I really like the speedy gameplay though and although confusing at first, I also like the capture the zones approach. I do not quite like the graphical style, but I'm sure I will be playing this game for a while nonetheless. Somehow, these graphics are a huge disappointment for me, since I would loved to have seen them make a Team Fortress 2 with those more life-like characters and stuff (which they sadly threw in the recycling bin like a year ago or something...)


The difficulty your experiencing is derived from the solar noob-plex, located directly below the cerebelum. It effects every 2/3 people, and can be cured with a medication plan of getting your ass kicked. line up.

Decessus - 80% done. 100% abandoned.
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