i`m a bit stuck here, the following code works ok untill i change the while (1) to while (my.healthpoints>0)
the mouse and keys just stops working, which is kind of a pain as the camera rotation is controled by the mouse, any thoughs on this.

function fnct_chc_1
me = ent_create (chc_1, vector(0,0,0), null);
player = my;
my.scale_x = 1.0;
my.scale_y = my.scale_x;
my.scale_z = my.scale_x;
var ship_speed;
while (my.healthpoints>0)
if (key_w == on)
if (ship_speed.x < 1)
ship_speed.x += 10.0 * time;
if (ship_speed.x >= 0)
ship_speed.x -= 0.05 * time;
if (ship_speed.x < 0) {ship_speed.x = 0;}
if (key_a == on)
my.pan += 3 * time;
if (key_d == on)
my.pan -= 3 * time;
if (ship_speed.z < 0) {ship_speed.z = 0;}
if (key_q == on)
my.tilt + = 3 * time;
if (ship_speed.z < 0) {ship_speed.z = 0;}
if (key_e == on)
my.tilt - = 3 * time;
ent_move (ship_speed.x, nullvector);

camera.pan -= mouse_force.x * 12 * time;
camera.tilt += mouse_force.y * 8 * time;
camera.tilt = clamp(camera.tilt,-30,10);
temp = fcos(camera.tilt,-camera_distance);
vec_set(camera.x,vector(my.x + fcos(camera.pan,temp),my.y + fsin(camera.pan,temp),my.z + 20 + fsin(camera.tilt,-camera_distance)));

vec_diff(temp.x,camera.x,my.x); //find the vector from the player to the camera
vec_normalize(temp.x,16); //get the magnitude of it's vector to 16 quants and store it in temp
vec_add(temp.x,camera.x); //add the vector (from player to camera) of a magnitude of 16 quants and add it to the camera's position.

trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_passable+ignore_models;
result = trace(my.x,temp.x); //trace from the player to 16 quants behind the camera.
IF (result > 0) {
vec_diff(temp.x,my.x,target.x); //find the vector from the point the trace hit to the player
vec_normalize(temp.x,16); //get the magnitude of this vector to 16 quants and store in temp
vec_set(camera.x,target.x); //place the camera at the trace hit point
vec_add(camera.x,temp.x); //move the camera away from the wall by the vector temp, 16 quants towards the player

Last edited by jigalypuff; 10/01/07 11:03.

Why does everyone like dolphins? Never trust a species which smiles all the time!