Hi all,

I've programmed a small tool which logs/saves the movement of the camera and export it as an simple c-script function which you can include in your project.

Well, often there are many problems with paths (especially with the rotation of the camera). Here you can move the camera by yourself.

How does it work?
You have to load your level first. After that you can start the movement saving and stop it if you're finished. Then you just have to include the output-script.

Here is a "step by step":
1. Download the tool
2. Unzip it and copy your level and all needed entities into the program folder
3. Start the program and follow the orders.
4. Copy the "output.wdl" to your project directory, include it to your script and start the function "cam_move(0);" to start the movement.

Here are some keys for the movement:
Arrows - Move camera
Mouse - Rotate the camera
Page Up/Down - Move camera (up/down)
Q/E - Change the roll of the camera
Shift/Ctrl - Move faster/slower

This tool isn't tested very much yet, so if you find bugs please report it and if you have suggestions, let me know them.

Have fun & Regards

Last edited by TSG_Torsten; 10/07/07 12:13.