
Not sure if this is to mention here. But WED exe from the beta patch 7.071 still shows 7.06 in the help/ about WED box. Running a project shows the watermark from 7.071 though.

Good catch, but this is more a question for the beta group (or the public beta thread). I don't have any control over WED other than the Wizard, Project Manager, and Behavior Panel.


Another thing i noticed is the project wizard. There is a line for the folder name. But it asks you to enter the Project name here

Not sure I understand this. The Folder Name is the name of the new folder that gets created (e.g. Project Path: "C:\t7Proj" with Folder Name: "one" will create a folder called "one" at "C:\t7Proj"). Does the wizard do something else for you?


I also cannot enter a main script. Gives me "WED untitled level" warning at the buttons under map properties.

The main script is already attached (myProj.c). Are you trying to attach a different one?

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