I've been watching this one grow for years. As with Poser, you can't use your custom created models (based off their stock content) outside the application. It's not suitable for realtime anyway given the polycount. You can use any 2D created content as you please, commercial or not. Of course, you can create a Daz ready skeleton and rig your own models for use in the program. I'm not sure what format they have to be in, but it will import Poser format and maybe OBJ. I'm not sure if X is available.

Another cool beta feature is 3D Bridge and for Photoshop users:


PowerPose is the other one:


Originally released as Pantomime, this plug-in allows you to quickly pose your figures, using an intuitive picture-based interface. Don't waste time trying to twist and turn camera angles in order to find those hard-to-select body parts. Simply click on the corresponding body part within the Power Pose interface and you'll be on your way. Combine this with the full-body IK posing ability of the Active Pose viewport tool, and you'll have more fun posing figures than ever before.

It also has a Collada exporter for those interested in that, as well as a commercial, buggy as Hell (from what I hear...see thread below) FBX exporter. It's pricey at around a hundred bucks.


Lastly, a couple of future features are dynamic cloth and Poser-like animation capabilities. Let's hope it stays free.

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