I'd totally recommend downloading the Crysis demo and try this game out. (Gamespot has it along with other big magazine sites)

It rocks as far as I've played. The demo is about 45 minutes of playtime and consists of the entire first level of the game.

It did crash here once and it looks like it doesn't have all the high-resolution textures on everything just yet (a bit like the UT3 demo), but it sure as heck is a nice game nonetheless. You'll notice a turtle without a proper texture and rocks with washed out textures, things like that. Still other things look totally awesome, like for example sunrise when you get a bit further in the game.

Can't quite get used to Crytek's new line of "Maximum Game" just yet though hahahaha!


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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