Joozey- I didn't say anything about that I was banned fore a week.
I react that moderators not act a clear policy and one week is one week.
If I'm shall meet someone at a let say 20071017 18:30 i came
and not at 20071023 22:00. Stars was just a joke, coz people care about stars anyway, look at nightsky.
Why should I got a permanant ban for say my truth in a story - Every one have right to tell the true. U see TWO was bravehearted and tell his point.

Helghast- About Stars and about ban see above.
"and to open up a topic like this is only provocing to get yourself another ban... "
Now I don't understand why it is so provoting to tell my side of a story.
I just tell a week is 7 days and a mod week is looooonger.
"besides, shouldnt you be more mature and know better..."
I don't insult anyone just say some fact.

Adoado. "This is one of the most stupidest posts I have ever seen...seriously..."
U have total right, it is. I have read the guidelines and write after it.

Jemen - Out:....