Hey guys, has anyone else been having issues with UV sets not transfering in with the model when you import an fbx file into MED?

We're using maya (multiple version) and the 2006.11 fbx exporter plugin (I've made sure it's the correct version.. fbx is not terribly reliable across format iterations). The model imports (so long as you keep a lambert material on the object... otherwise med hangs), and the bone weights transfer fine, but the UV sets don't transfer into MED. As in; no UV's on the object, either in engine or in MED. >_>

So we are doing a work around by importing the object as an obj, saving out the uv set in met, loading in the fbx, and importing the uv set. This makes the exporting process about as painful as humanly possible and my art team wants to murderize me.

I've checked this in all the latest MEDs (A7/LiteC free) and it's still there. Any chance on getting a fix? >_>

"Towlie, you're the worst character ever." I know...