Depends, this question has gone around quite a bit and has caused some firey discussions

A7 comes with Lite-C (and still C-script), a new programming language that is far superior to it's old companion, C-script. A7 supports so many new programming features in it, you can't really even compare Lite-C to C-script.

Many people don't seem happy about the fact that A7 does not support out-of-the-box or template visual eye-candy. And the editors have not changed very much, except for some new buttons icons and a few new features.

If you have A7 commercial, you will have support for render-to-texture (usually in the pro. version, allows for advanced post processing shader effects, etc.), unlimited ODE physics entities (also usually in pro.) and up to 8 multiplayer clients simultaneously.

But A7 in my eyes is a great product, and the advantages outweigh those "disadvantages".

But I am sure you will get people here who will say otherwise

Also, in the forecasts at the top of the page, awesome new features are on the way, such as radiosity lighting, decals, etc.


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