FYI, texture scaling and offset adjustment from within the block surface properties menu appears to be severely screwed. I have a 128 x 128 ceiling texture, and adjusting offsets while it is at 1.0 scale is fine, but if I set it at, say, 0.75, and then adjust offset, THE OFFSET BUTTONS BEHAVE LIKE SCALING BUTTONS, though they scale down proportionately for both x and y (if I just hit the y offset, the scale goes down for both x and y). Yes, you read that preceding paragraph right--at less than 1.0 scaling in the block surface properties box, OFFSET actually scales the texture down instead of offsetting it. (all textures are set to "locked", by the way")

However, if I make the changes in the Texture settings box (right-click on texture in texture window, then "settings"), make adjustments there, click "OK", and then re-apply he texture to the active block surface by double-clicking the texture, then it appears to apply normally, but this makes it very tedious to align textures since I have to estimate the numbers, apply, then adjust/estimate again until textures line up the way I want.

Could someone else confirm this? This is a major bug for me since I am at a point in my project where I absolutely need to apply textures to all my level blocks now in preparation for exporting out of WED so I can convert it into a model (in Blender) for further editing purposes. This is going to take me much longer if I can't align/adjust textures on-the-fly in the block surface properties...

UPDATE: It appears to be that this bug/screwiness only occurs when texture lock is turned on for the block(s) in question. When I turned texture lock off, I was able to adjust scaling and offset normally and on-the-fly from the block surface properties. However, I don't know if the changes I make are going to "stick" or not, as per the original problem posted about here. I'll try making my adjustments this way, then selecting all and hitting texture lock to turn it on (since I know it will screw up even if I don't do this) to see if there's a difference, then I'll turn it off again to see if that messes anything up then also, then I'll save, build level, and save again, then close the level and open it again to see if the changes stick or not.

UPDATE 2: Okay, the above seemed to work. It takes that much longer because my level has over 1900 blocks and marking them all as "texture locked" or not takes some time... But to recap how I got this to work: 1. make sure all blocks are NOT texture locked; 2. adjust/align textures as desired; 3. select all (relevant) blocks and texture lock them (note: this step *may* be unnecessary--hopefully someone else can test this and confirm, though at the moment I'm too chickensh*t in regards to screwing up my own level textures to try without doing this first); 4. not select all blocks again and TURN OFF texture lock; 5. save level; 6. build level; 7. save again; 8. run level to check textures (should be fine). The key seems to be that all relevant blocks are NOT texture locked when you align/adjust their textures, or when you build and save the level. Texture lock just seems to screw everything up when its used to align/adjust textures, or when building/saving. My own advice for myself for now will be to avoid using texture lock like the plague, except in the step above which may or may not be "setting" the textures in WED (could be in my imagination only and completely unnecessary though).


Okay, I've confirmed for myself that simply turning Texture Lock OFF for all blocks where you need textures aligned/adjusted is enough. Turn it off before you start aligning/adjusting textures on those blocks, and LEAVE it off. Save. Build. Save. Run (and check). So just avoid using Texture Lock altogether if you want to avoid having your block textures become misaligned even after repeated re-adjustments.

Last edited by Galen; 12/01/07 18:57.