Hi, i am playing with the new templates.

I have A7.06.1 and i installed the new templates and the t7.dll.
My app runs fine, only changes i had to make was:

if(project_load("myProj.xml") == 0) // load up game from an xml file
sys_exit("Couldn't load myProj.xml");
//project_level(1); // switch to level #1
project_level(2); // switch to level #2
//project_level(3); // switch to level #3
//project_level(4); // switch to level #4
//project_level(5); // switch to level #5
//project_level(6); // switch to level #6

and in main: for the main loop.
while(project_update() != 0)
// do stuff here

I know it is still development, but i wondered if this was going to become the norm?
Reason i ask is i read level_name to get the name of the level
and sometimes the returned string from level_name is empty. See i am removing the .wmb and adding .gsx to load a camera positon file with the same name as level.

It all used to work fine then i installed the A7.07 beta, (in a completely different folder), copied my app dev folder over and tried to run the level.

App does not load the campos file for level_name returns an empty string.

PROBLEM is i removed the beta, deciding to wait for the proper release.
Now the original is doing the same thing. Runs fine except it does not load the campos relevant to level.

printf shows ".gsx" instead of "levelname.gsx" so the campos are not loaded.

They were installed in seperate directories. I even renamed the original GSTUDIO7 to a completely different name before installing the beta.

Anyway i backed up my work and project dirs, removed gamestudio
rebooted and re installed gs A7.06.1

still the problem with level_load. All other things work fine.

will we be able to access these t7 classes from Lite-C in both legacy and pure mode?



anyone using mixture of Windows for menus etc and acknex for the rest panels and level etc?
Reason i ask is that when using both the Windows SCREEN is not the same as the ACKNEX screen, or to put it another way:
I have bothe the windows mouse pos and the acknex mouse pos displaying on screen,
and there is a difference on the Y axis of about 35-45 which causes the mouse to select the button around half the button's size below the button. e.g button is 24 pixels high, and button at posx 0, posy 0. then the mouse affects the button from 12 to 36 instead of 0 to 24.
The X axis is fine.

In pure acknex mode (without windows menus etc) the buttons and mouse are fine.

If anyone experience any of these problems?
WORDS are insufficient to express the THOUGHTS racing through the mind
therefore this explanation of problems may well be incomplete.

A8.3x Commercial, AcknexWrapper and VS 2010 Express
○pararealist now.