The ways in this tutorial(s) might be not from the sort you would like to use, but in its descriptions are some hints on how you can work with the MED generally.

In my not very organized way of making a 'skinning frame' of the head, I had to put together two meshes to get one plain for the back of the head.

To know where the meshes are connected on the 3D-model, I painted in the skin-editor on its 3D-view with the pen tool. Only short draws to get known what polygon of the forehead is the neighbour a poligon of the back. I hope a view on the picture makes it clear.

To put the polygons together I mark in the 'vertex mode' the vertices, choose the 'scale tool', restrict this horizontally with the arrow button, and pull the borders of the polygons close to each other.

On the following picture you can see the 'skinning frame' from all 2d-views. Every side (up, down, left, right) has been turned to the front to get one seemless plain for the texture.

The last two pictures show a more organized way to layout the skinning frame.
The difference to the former method is only that I started first the upside and down side to the front and afterwards the left and right side. This way the middle of the back would be still connected in the layout on the bmp. Better to paint a sighn on the back head - a place you would look on continuesly if you use the model as player in third person view. The other advantage, it is totally symmetrical.