Ohh.. I see where the confusion is.

See, in all of my pathfinding systems, I have never used WED's nodes. I use a low-poly model, and assign it an action which is "pathfind_node". This is a part of the whole pathfinding map. Although I have added to my system over time, I was going to scrap it and start from scratch this time, in order to fit it in with the whole RTS system. See, I'll have an action called "pathind_node", that I will set up to scan every other node, register itself into an array(the influence map), and set itself up. The code will generate the needed number of nodes over the terrain/level, make the nodes drop from above, and position them over the whole level. This done, the ones that are too far above all the others(impassible terrain such as mountains and buidings) will be deleted before they register so that no troops can go there. The rest will register in the array, and the AI will be able to use skills and flags of the nodes as it's influence map.

So if a player sends some troops to a location, the nearest node will become "occupied" by the player. The AI will react accordingly.

I understand how to make the influence map. I understand that perfectly. What I'm having trouble with all of this, is how do set up a function that creates all the nodes, and positions the nodes far enough apart? I was going to make the nodes drop themselves, but how do I tell the code what the boundaries are in which it should create the node models? How high should the nodes be created for them to drop correctly? How many should the function create?

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