MoI is a great NURBS app, but therein lies its problems. I will try to illustrate. Here are three images from MoI:

The first image is similar to the tutorial that is on MoI's web site. The second image shows the object converted to quads and the third to triangles. Notice the sections that where filleted (the "smoothed" areas at the joints). Look at what happens to them when they are converted to both quads and triangles. The geometry is a bit odd. You may even notice areas where the geometry is not even: especially odd looking sections in the quad converted version. In fact, a quad version of this model, brought into another 3D application, gave me a lot of problems when attempting to convert it to triangles from there. There were also some areas where there was a stray vertex here or there. In other words, the mesh needed to be cleaned up quite a bit. The already triangulated version imported perfectly but, as you can see, it is overly dense in areas. A lot of cleanup would be necessary to trim it down, especially in the areas that had been filleted.

If you have a 3D application that allows you to redo the topology of the model (Silo, modo, ZBrush) then MoI might be a good tool to rough up complex shapes and then redo the model in the other app. However, at $195, it might be better to get Silo and use its sculpting tools to rough up shapes and then do the cleaner topology. This would save you money and some steps as well.

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