Sorry if I post this at the wrong place, I did not find a forum called memory problems.
Sometimes when I am building levels, and scripts, and I switch back to wed, it crashes, windows gives a error message about memory.
This is very frustrating, but I already got it a long time.
worse it is, when it also happens in the engine.
I am busy to procedural create a level(letting the computer randomly create levels by place blocks) and I used a bitmap to store information.
It is working really good, until I incrase the map size, and the number of blocks used, and the number of pixel instructions.
when the count gets too high, around 50*50 pixels, I got problems and I get errors.
Sometimes it are just errors of "do you want to send a report?"
sometimes it are errors that come along with memory faults.
Does anyone expereience the same problems?
can anyone help me please?

Check out the throwing game here: The throwing game