
And everyone here knows that this is true, again, we do have to wait, sometimes for years. But that
doesn't mean that the developers are lazy.
And my point is: I am using my time in a better way!!!

Right, well I'm glad you've explained yourself better now, because I really simply thought you made that comment to stab at developers 'as if they were lazy'. My bad!


Funny is to see how you think to know what I think!

You'd be surprised to find out how much I know! j/k

Seriously though I really don't pretend to know anything about people here on the forums (although posts tend to give certain things away for sure, but still). It just seemed that way based on your previous posts, so I made the semi-serious post about laziness.

I'm not a psychic and can't foresee the future. I agree that the comment about bugs was pretty superfluous perhaps, but your comment seemed as if you think of XNA 2 as some sort of holy grail. Don't forget it's not a game engine (yet)...

Anyways, I'm not out to ruin your pleasure with it, I just uuuhm more or less mentioned the obvious,


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