Rather than using a "real" guitar to play a game, I feel like they should just work more on making the Guitar Hero expierence more realistic. Perhaps, by adding more buttons, or adding more than one button per frett, so as to allow for more complex controlls.

I am personally not a huge guitar player. I own one, took a quarterlong class, but dont consider myself any good at it. However, I was able to graduate to extream mode on GH3 after only a few hours... Not trying to brag, but I think the game would benefit from a more challenging take on the same gameplay. GH is more about memorizing rhythms than it is playing guitar, which is fine for what it is (I love the game, and as said before, owning a Wii excludes me from the Rockband-wagon). However, think of the possibilities if they were to place 2 buttons per frett... the combinations are endless.

Also, I wonder if I am the only person on the planet who thinks they should add a freeplay mode on Guitar Hero. I understand the limitations of such a mode with the current guitar controllers, but if they were to create a more complex take on todays gameplay, imagine writing, playing, recording, and sharing your Guitar Hero songs online with anyone who wants to download it. Seems like it would be an easy enough feat to pull off (guitar hero is online anyways). Creating the "map", or whatever you want to call it that is used to display the notes to hit would be as easy as playing while the game runs at a certian tempo. Also, it seems that it would be easy enough to implement both beginner and advanced modes of this idea. Beginner uses set tempos, and has a smaller available note list, while advanced has full control of tempo, has full access to all the notes, and can go back and tweak the placement of notes. All the while, you can have guitar hero play it back to you (kinda like guitar pro, for those who have used it) to see how it sounds on playback. Seems like a small army would find a home in creating their own music on the game and then posting it up for everyone to see.

Anyways, just some of my thoughs.

Last edited by DeKO_Mania; 12/20/07 06:36.