Let's say you open WED, build a level and then save it. When you save the level you create a new folder (let's call it LevelStart) to save the files in. Later, for whatever reason, you delete the entire LevelStart folder. The next time you start up WED LevelStart is automatically created. If you click the NEW button then palette.pcx is created in the LevelStart folder.

This is bad (in my opinion). Perhaps I have archived the level onto a CD and I no longer need the folder on my hard drive. Why should WED create it for me? Perhaps I started over, created a folder with a different name and, therefore, I no longer need the folder called "LevelStart". Why should WED automatically create this folder for me? It should not.

Secondly, who here is making games that are restricted to only 256 colors? No one? Then why does WED even bother to create a palette.pcx file? Perhaps there is someone out there that wants to create a legacy game that requires a 256 color palette. Fine. Give then the OPTION of saving out a palette.pcx but DON'T make it mandatory every time you create a new level in WED.

WED should NEVER write a file or folder to my hard drive without my permission.

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