this does not work, too. to bad i cant read out values as text in the shader ... there seems to be some conversion when passing the skill. because the texture gets rotated when passing sin(0) or (90) and so on, and you have to scale the values in the shader by 0.001 , and there are other strange things happening... hmm

ok, got it nearly working:

float s=entSkill41;
float c=entSkill42;
float3x3 matRotate =
c , -s , 0,
s , c , 0,
0 , 0 , 1
In.tex += float2(-0.5,-0.5);
Out.tex = mul(In.tex,0.001*matRotate);


my.skill41 = sinv(my.pan);
my.skill42 = cosv(my.pan);
but still when the pan is 0 the rotaion matrix produces a slightly rotation, what could that be??

Last edited by ello; 12/19/07 11:34.