I am currently in the process of building and working on models, but in a month or so i'll upload some pics of whats what.

The game will follow a similar 'fantasy simulation' like that of Majesty, but with several twists and turns along the way.

Features/Ideas to implement:

1) Resource flow will come in through taxes(gold) on buildings, services, and such.
-Taxes will be a set % per day(5 minutes).
-%# is undecided yet.
-Taxes may only be lost in the event of a building being destroyed or in the event its Master is slain.

2) The player will not be able to choose units. He or She will simply create a home(in which case a random starter class will inherit), however the player will be able to build other building types(this will be discussed later).

3) After the completion of a map the player will receive X amount of exp points. These points will go into a skill tree that will allow the user several upgrades(such as but not limited to: increased stat(s) on a certain race/class, increased chances of gaining certain unit starters, increased max hero capacity, increased tax amounts, etc)

4) Units will all start as one of the following:
Apprentice, Soldier, Thief, Zombie, Imp, Cleric (17% chance of getting either of these).

Example of Class tree

/ \
/ \
50% of either (Nuker class)Magician(lv5) | Puppeteer(lv5)(pet/econ class) | |
/ \ lv 10 / | \
/ \ / | \
Pyromancer|Enchanter |||||||| Elementist | Puppet Master | Golem Master

Class Descriptions

-Magician(50% chance Apprentice will upgrade to this class)(Nuker)
The magician is a arcane master who through years of rigorous training has learned the ability to focus elements to cause fierce, and often fatal destruction. In the event though his spell fizzles, it very well may be his last.

-Pyromancer(75% chance Magician will upgrade to this class)(Nuker)
The pyromancer has the same spells as Magician, but now area of effect.
-Enchanter(25% chance Magician will upgrade to this class)(Econ)
The enchanter has left his pursuit of arcane knowledge, now he stays at home and provides enchantments for all sorts of adventurer, for the right price of course.

-Puppeteer(50% chance Apprentice will upgrade to this class)(Econ/Pet)
The puppeteer has a mind of his own. Some days he leaves the security of his home and with his Magical Marionette explores new horizons, however, on other days he can be found performing for generous sums of ‘donations.’

-Elementist(20% chance Puppeteer will upgrade to this class)(Pet)
Manipulating mere wooden dolls was not satisfying enough, the Elementist has layed asside such simple things and now summons forth elemental beings.

-Golem Master(40% chance Puppeteer will upgrade to this class)(Pet)
The Golem Master has learned over the years that manipulating stone can be just as easy as manipulating wood. He explores new terrains and while doing so his brainless minion will take on attributes and appearances based on his surroundings.

-Puppet Master(40% chance Puppeteer will upgrade to this class)(Pet)
Puppet Master’s have continued forward in their career and have strayed away from travels. Instead the Puppet Master brings the tourists to him by use entertainment. Some have even gained the attention of kings and queens.

More stuff to come. I plan for this to be a professional project(yes i have a lot of time on my hands between college and such) and so if you find this to be interesting and wish to donate anything as far as models/textures/scripts/etc you are more than welcome to :_). If anything of yours is used I will provide credit.

This project wont be finished for probably 8-12 months. I want everything to be perfect, so after model creation i'll work on a demo.

sorry the class tree screwed up, the forum swapped it in the process of copy and paste ><


Here are some screenies of what/where the light source will come from. I haven't decided yet if I will leave it up to the player to create these or if they will be pre-generated as town size increases. There will be a night and day time frame as well, so it wont always be as dark as these two photos show. Please provide ideas/thoughts on the following, as well as ways to improve them (lightning, shape, color, etc).

I have more pics/models/things to post, but I my isp is being difficult upload wise. Took like 25 mins to load two small pictures X_X.

Last edited by Wulf; 12/19/07 22:51.