Well like many, scripting is basically my weakest point and now, having been at it for over 4 years, graphics, my strongest point, is suffering so I need to advance my learning curve and get a few things working at a basic level for me.

AI is critical! period.

Nodeless AI can give lots of good looking behavior routines from obstacle avoidance to hieght adjusting for both ground and air based AI and we can always get a bot to zero in on player thru vec_dist or scan functions then get it to 'hunt' down the player or avoid as needed but most require a lot of trials before the routine is found so all in all, the real problem with AI in GStudio is using routines to work with model terrains and levels (where the default block geometry provides both walls and content to work with) but models only can be accessed thru trace, dist and texture names I have found.

Nodeless AI is good to use in water pools, large rooms or confined outdoor areas where pathfinding is not an issue and adds a great deal to the believability of the game.

So what I am proposing here is a listed methadology from experienced users who know how to handle these issues and provide a layout of the methods employed to overcome common AI nodeless issues in both block and entity levels either as working or theory discussions.