Yes, Raiden posted a beauty but I havnt had the time to work with it though.

Here is a link to an old project I havnt updated or revisited but adequatly describes the node less AI I have derived or edited from Georges AUM series and other contributors. (7 mgbs)

It doesnt work as well published as it does in dev mode.

The test also incorporates Leonardo's bone anims and dust too I think as well as a number of other scripts from various users.

You will find yourself probably jiggaling around, just use wasd to move, w + r to speed up, mouse left to fire cannon, mouse middle to fire homer and observe the behavior of both the air and ground based AI from both a passive and active perspective.
Use the 'radar' to locate prey when closer, drive staright ahead almost to find them.
Firing the cannon will help to orient you to the AI direction.

All scripts are available.

The AI is from a direct contribution by a contributor whom I have forgotten but is either tuscharten, turrican or Domacales, I will get it right eventually and give proper credits as soon as I am able to.

Hope this helps to extend the discussion.