Hello, anybody playing UT3?

I downloaded the demo today,
and I have to say that I am really disappointed.

(I really like UT1, 2003 and 2004)

The graphics run slow even on crappy lookinf low settings (I have a quite decent computer now)

The game feels to me like playing Nexuiz on my old computer on a nice map
with too many frameratedropping effects on, and then putting a milky glass-plate on my screen.

During the first Deathmatch i could enter some kind of 3-leged machine, (that looked like everything
else in the environment), from wich I could shoot 10 enemies like ducks on a fun-fair shooting.

The car capture the flag was no fun either.

I had a hard time to see differences between what was an enemy, a gun, or just some level-element.
Its a really unclear gfx.

Changing graphical settings cant be done during the game anymore, but I have to exit the current game
for any changes, and restart the whole game for changes on the gfx.

I will not buy this game. Maybe in two years when I can get it as a bargin.