Thank you frazzle and Thracian

I packed the project using nacasi which makes it being considered as a virus by some antivir software, but it isn´t

What did I wrong that I get nearly no answers? o.O
I would like some more feddback on how you like it (I think the atmosphere is already quite cool, but it is actually a bit wrong and the game doesn´t really make fun yet...), what you would like to see implemented/changed (I think that it needs a simple story and a cuple of missions), how easy or hard it is (I finish this mission with about 76000 points ) and any bugs you find.

Edit: I´d also like to know if it runs smooth on your system or if it needs some performence improvements. It isn´t very fast on my system (perfectly playable but not more) but someone told me that it even runs smooth on his very outdated computer...

Thank you

Last edited by Slin; 12/27/07 21:01.