Alright. First of all, I was pretty much amazed at the environment from the moment I first played it. The terrain and sea (I love the water!) pretty much fit together perfectly (except for a small seam in the sea at the edges of the terrain which Im sure you'll fix). What should be done though, is things like trees and buildings should cast shadows on the terrain. It makes a big difference.

The helicopter model is great, but for some reason it changes when you crash (I think that's your old model). Sounds could also use improvement. Also, the machine gun bullets look a little unrealistic, your better off using tracer type models (I've got one, id be happy to share with you). Smoke also looks unrealistic.

Actual explosions are better, although all those debris bouncing around looks a little unrealistic, apart from that its all good. Also, noticed a bug. Your supposed to explode as soon as you touch the ground, right? I'm in front of a hill, and I lower myself until I'm just above the ground (not touching). I then back into the hill, and nothing happens.

About the controls... not that impressive. I'd much prefer the following system:
w,s - fowards, backwards
a,d - strafe left, right
q,e - lower, raise helicopter

and ofc mouse to aim and direct the chopper, which would feel much more intuitive considering most games these days use a wasd/mouse control system.

Also, I like the music, although the piano could be replaced with something which more fits the genre, either a more sci-fi sound or strings (like you get in most movie soundtracks). Also, would be cool to get music ingame, especially music that flares up during a fight. Would feel much more cinematic and epic and stuff.

Well anyways, that's all for now. I honestly see this turning into one of the best 3dgs games out there (if you find the time to finish it).
