
Ok, I wish you are right with all your lengthy emotionally post because it would make game developing easier for us. Even you exagerated alot I will not defend me similar like you did.

from what i gathered (a combination of your poor english, location associated with your username, and your incorrect assumptions about the emotion of my post) english is your second language, and therefore language barriers can be somewhat responsible for this argument.

i'm not disputing the trouble you had making these things, i simply (and quite calmly) pointed out that your post contained wrong assumptions.

i've made fully-functioning small games (one of which uses baked AO quite effectively), so don't make such bold assumptions about my knowledge of Gamestudio. i don't think you're a spammer, i just think you're mistaken and sell Gamestudio short.

as an obviously experienced user, your comments would hold more water if they were better researched and not so exaggerated, as one would expect.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!