HI guys!

I was reading that "Where's the adventure" post and it made me think.
I remembered for a second those old game developing days when we were using A4 or A5. That was realy fun. Back then because we couldn't make very good graphics we were more concentrating on the gameplay, on the story, on little details, then the key questins everyone used to ask about were like:
"Is my actor moving right?", or "What is better : palms or just simple trees".... You know those simple questtions.... For instance when I was learning to create games with gamestdio I was asking questions like "How to put my own models in the game?"..... And beside the models my games were good because I didnt realy bother myself with the graphics . And now its a totaly different story, we keep asking stupid questions like : "Why my shader cant support more than 6 dynamic lights.... Oh my God!!" or "Why cant we make soft shadows those ugly unshadowed objects are gonna spoil my game!!". ( Im not saying anythig bad about those who asked similar questions )And one day a tought came across my mind : "WHAT IF WE ALL THE SUDDEN GET ALL THE FANCY STUFF THAT WE WERE ASKING FOR??!! Would we have that great story, those great textures and artwork that great gameplay which would support that graphics and make a great game with it?" I think we wont have that all in our heads and I eaven think we couldnt think of a good story for our next game in the next 20 minutes when we get that that graphics wonders!!!! If you think differently, please write your reasons and statements

Thnak you all guys and please dont mind for my bad english