

If you can display any text on your keys then you could easily switch between complex software tools like Blender, Lightwave, XSI and you dont have to wonder again and again the key konfigurations. You just switch the display and you can read what button activates the rotate function etc.

Ahhhh, finally someone who gets this. Dont' you see? This is the future of keyboards... well maybe not this exact model, but the idea that the keys are monitors too allows for what frank said and more. Imagine making a game like "whack a mole" where you have to search out the "red" key on your keyboard. Or how about a strategy game where a ECM attack will have the effect of scrambling your keyboard for a few seconds. Or how about changing the language character set and not having to guess which key is the diacritical "n"!

Laugh all you want... mostly for the reason Frank said but for many more, I personally feel this is the way that all keyoards are going to go... you'll see... you'll all see... and then, you'll be sorry... oh yeah, REAL sorry....

hey, i like it too - its just, I've seen it one year ago already, only that now its released

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku