Hate to burst the bubble but snakes are a nightmare to get working properly in a game.

The main issue is around movement. If your snake has to climb any slope or objects, it gets real nasty! Basicly, if you are using bounding box collision detection, you will get big problems with the snake not following the ground properly, so if for instance it starts to climb an incline, it can appear to be "stuck" in the ground, or will "stick out" at odd angles. I know this problem very well, one of the games i worked on for Valve (Wanted) had rattle-snakes in it, and they were a nightmare for our programmer to deal with.

If the (your) snake was created with polygon level collision detection and built of "segments" it would be a lot more realistic (but proportionaly harder to code).

Im not saying dont try it, all im saying is, its not as easy as it first looks.
