While the ability to set skills and the such right in your program(3ds Max) would be nice, it wouldn't quite be as necessary as we once had to do. I use max2gs, and I'm assuming your OBJ importer also re-wrote the wmp scene every time you exported, thus erasing all the skill/action information, and then re-applying it.

I'm quite sure the importer Conitec made doesn't rewrite anything when you import. So you should only have to import your model once for positional placement, apply it's action and skills in WED, and then if just re-export the model itself if you need changes. Your paths will also stay in WED, which is quite important to some. This means you shouldn't have to put in the actions and skills more than once.

But if the FBX file has these attributes, it really would be a great time saver! I also think the less usage of WED, the better by far, if you've the right tools to make your scenes(lightwave, max, maya).


it would be great if the whole process could be automated. it shouldn't be necessary to manually select if an object is supposed to be a static mesh or an entity. the importer should be able to figure that out from certain attributes.

I don't think this importer creates the mdl's from the fbx data, but rather it expects them to be in a folder. If this is true, then you should be able to just put the path of the folder, and the importer will automatically compare names from that folder with objects in your fbx scene and place them accordingly. Though, I still hope theres a way to do it manual as well.

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