Hello, been working on a 2d sidescroller (mario type game), and ran into a little issue. Everything in the world is made out of sprites that are 16x16 pixels (ground, the player, props, etc.). What I wanted to do was things that are behind the player such as a bush or a fence post for example, I moved it back 1 quant, so the player will be rendered ontop of it.

Well anyways this doesn't work out so well, half of the bush for example the player will be infront of, and the other half the player will be drawn behind it. Does anyone know why this is and how I can get around this? Even when I move them as far as 5 quants back, sometimes the player still gets drawn behind the sprite!

Oh also, all of the sprites are oriented so its not like they are rotating by themselves with respect to the camera movement.

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