Dear Conitec:

Like HeelX, this message is for Conitec, and not really written for the 3DGS community at large. I concur with HeelX.

To me, it is disconcerting that if you buy Pro, while you do not have to dislay a Gamestudio splash screen at the beginning, there are so many other clues which reveal that it is gamestudio, that it is not really worth it. Certainly in the Pro version, at least, you should able to do everything HeelX describes here. You do this, and I'll upgrade from Commercial to Pro today. As I am sure many people will. That's nearly 600 Euro I will pay today, in the Conitec till. If money is less important than the bad reputation of gamestudio, it doesn't sound like a good business decision on Conitec's behalf. Don't you want another 600 Euro?

(deleted: 3 lengthy personal accounts where clients have expressed concern and reluctance to invest money on projects when they learn it is made with 3DGS)

Gamestudio has recently been associated as the technology behind what people are calling "one of the "worst games of all time". I do not want to be linked to that by proxy, sorry. Ran Man, while I think your game is awesome, though possibly for some of the wrong reasons, I do not want my game to declare "Made with the technology that brought you Zoo Racing!"

If someone asks me which engine I am using, I won't lie about it. But I don't want the first thing someone sees when they run my game is the gamestudio branding. Especially if that someone is a publisher considering buying my game. I don't want them to see Gamestudio branding anywhere in my game.

These days, I am aware of more and more people who stake considerable amounts of money (savings, loans) in their independent game, at great personal financial risk. The stakes are high. I personally have a lot at risk. I've considered switching to an inferior engine (Torque) simply because it garners better respect and does not have the bad association liability. As a business and marketing decision, not a design or technical decision. That's the way business works.

Again, I'll upgrade to Pro today if you do this, I mean it. Here, Conitec, I have 600 Euro with your name on it, burning a hole in my pocket. If even 10 people upgrade to Pro for this reason, that's 6000 Euro in the bank. 100 upgrades, that's 60,000 EUR. Makes business sense to me.

Please, forum users, do not reply with the typical "get over it" message. It isn't the answer I am seeking. It's fine for hobbyist developers, but for those with a lot of money at risk in professional or semi-professional development, it is not going to change any minds.