The point of this thread is about specific technical matters in the technique of removing acknex labels


SUGGESTION: 1) when the engine starts and detects a "game.ico" file, this icon is loaded instead of the Lite-C icon into the taskbar -or- 2) you add a new ICON command to the STARTER-compiler which binds an icon file which will be loaded into the taskbar and engine window icon.

PROBLEM: the filename of the acknex.dll. This is a heavy indicator that I use Gamestudio.
STATUS: unsolved
SUGGESTION: Can't you add a predefined string or something that indicates the name of the dll so that after I compiled the exe, the Lite-C app is loading this specific dll as engine DLL? I just want to name it "engine.dll" or something like that.

PROBLEM: the file "ACKNEX.WDF". I want to use an own starter image which is fine with the starter-WDF, but why does it have to be named with "ACNEX.WDF"? Why can't I name it "starter.wdf" or so? It is only recognized when its named "acknex.wdf"
STATUS: unsolved
SUGGESTION: search the game directory and use the first *.wdf file that crosses your way.