Back to the initial question. The question was to provide ways to hide the fact that a certain application was created with Gamestudio.

There are some straightforward ways, such as replacing the icon in the acknex.dll with a user icon. This is certainly easy to do and if it's important, I'll put it on my future feature list.

However, and this is the main point, is it illusional to think you can hide the Acknex engine from your publisher or from anyone else.

If your publisher cares about this, he will just ask you, and you have to tell. If anyone else cares, he can find out in a minute which engine your game uses. The name of the DLL does not matter for this. Is it possible with some tricks to make the engine difficult to determine, but that would mean a lot of effort from our side for a purpose that almost no one needs. If it's really important for you, use a wrapper such as Thinstall. Though this will not really prevent anyone from finding out what your game was made with, it will not be this visible at a first glance.