
I promise this isn't a preemtive personal attack on you or your game, but I think it's time that we looked at the other side of the equation. You've lambasted 3DGS for having a reputation for making poor, click-together games but I think at this point it's important to know exactly what you are presenting to these people that gets rejected.

I said mentioning the name resulted in an awkward, unimpressed moment in a job interview, and second, that a producer at a well known company tried very hard to talk me into switching to Torque. I did not say anything about me my work being rejected. The other information regarding my project, its history and status, isn't up for discussion.

Actually, fastlane, all I am doing is relating my experience to the community here. If you or anyone else here do not believe me, not you or anyone else can change my experiences or rewrite history. If anyone here thinks we are liars or hallucinating, we can't do anything about it.

For heck's sake, let it go and take what I have said, what HeelX has said, as well as what Fogman has said, as our own testimonies. I am not going to take a lie detector test, or be interrogated, to prove it to you or anyone else. It doesn't mean it didn't happen and that it doesn't happen.

Keep on insinuating that I am lying or deluded, all you want. I'm not going to waste any more time trying to convince people here of my honesty.