That is the same with Visual Basic vs C++. Some people just wont take another language serious if it is to easy in their eyes, or have little control over. Doesn't matter what language your using, because it always require skill to create something from a idea that came up in someone's mind. Most cases you don't want to reinvent the wheel and will use something that get the work done.

I agree on the identity of the toolset and using custom icon/acknex.dll/names for certain files, at least with C++ and Pro. Although the first part have been said before in the past by others and it looked like a funny, but sarcastic joke, it now have become very serious.

Personally I see as if the engine is in a identity crisis with all those names. Last time I showed my friends something. I told them: This is done with Lite-C/Atari from Conitec using the Acknex engine that comes with GameStudio A7. A mouthful, but it made sense.

In any way the general gamers will not react the same as if it was run on U3 or Crysis engine. Not even if the name Acknex is changed.

Also to the lost 100.000 USD when publisher noticed the "GameStudio" tag. Then just show them what it would have cost if created in other engine which they so much prefer. Maybe i'm wrong, but are the important things not quality, gameplay and stability?

Even if a publisher really plans to invest money and not only talk about investing or just want to peak at ideas of others and what the competition is looking at. Then realize you will not get this money free or something, they want it back its just like a loan or advance. Only you don't have to pay back if sales are not like expected, its their task to look at and take out what will sell good. No charity.
