I totally agree with the idea of a custom icon, and anything else that would "brand" your game to you, but in these 6 pages of posts I noticed one thing missing.

The reason you see bad press for 3DGS and other low cost engines out there is because there have been so many crappy games made with them. Why? Because anyone with a few bucks can pick up a copy and make a crappy game.

Why don't you see this negative press with Unreal, Cry, etc.? Because not every bob-jack can pop $500,000 for one of these engines, only extremely serious developers creating a AAA title.

I think to bring the issue back to a level playing field you have to look at it from this angle. Any engine that little Billy can pick up and make a game in is going to have negative press out there, simply for the fact there are crappy games made with it. Any engine that only top studios can afford is NOT going to have as much negative press because there are no crappy games made with, only AAA games. Therefore it must be a great engine.

It's not the engine's fault, or the engine branding, it's a simple case of what has been created with it and associated with it. And that is a simple case of which engines are affordable and which aren't. As was mentioned earlier in the thread, make better quality games with 3DGS and people will pay attention.

This is the same whether you're talking about game engines, graphics software (is MS Paint better or PhotoShop? Depends on whose doing the drawing. PhotoShop does much more, but a great artist can produce much better results in Paint than I ever could in PhotoShop. You just don't see really crappy graphics come out of Photoshop because little Billy can't afford it), or any other product.

Simply put, you're going to see more negative press about lower cost engines simply because of who has access to the product and what's being created with it. Clear as mud, huh?

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