Well, the design is still a far reach from a completed one, but the general theme of the game is 3rd-person-oriental-fighting, with spells like fireball etc. Seeing as the models are not close to the camera, I do not need them to be detailed, so that is a plus, but the animations should at least look like, for example, a round-kick! The fighting animations need to look good, because they will be in the center of the attention, but the animations of using spells (Example for fireball: Model puts his hands together like praying and pushes them forward), do not need to be so detailed, because the particle effects and the fast-pace of the game will distract the player from these animations. Overall I will need a medium-detail model, but with a huge amount of animations.
That is all I can say for now

EDIT: Also, the models of the items, that are going to be sold in-game, are not so necessary, because I can just modify the skin for that. But maybe some of you modelers can tell me, how can I modify just a part of the model's skin, because I do not want to create numerous skins for every possible item combination.

Last edited by Leonardo; 01/31/08 14:38.

"Things of the mind left untested by the senses are useless."