
The question is what makes a better game.

Well that is subjective of course (define "better"), but when it comes to support, stability, and price, I think the answer is obvious. As well, MV has about 50+ projects on-going with it's engine and they provide some front end on their site to "advertise" your game. I have no idea how many projects are using RC but that is exactly my point: you don't know from their webpage.


And if Realcrafter is easier to use for a hobby programmer,
it will result in a better game than a MMO that is so complex that the user gives up
after a month.

Considering that RC seems to only provide asset support for it's game and limited scripting support, the people will give up on RC games in a second once they realize that it's exactly the same as every other game with the exception of how it looks. In effect, RC is a MOD community while MV (since it has full source code) is a DEV community.

With RC you are stuck doing what the RC people determine you do. Complex or not. With MV, you can make the world/game as light or complex as you want.

But your point is taken... the learning curve for MV is higher but the rewards are richer. If I was starting a MMP project today, I might cut my teeth on RC and quickly move to MV once I was ready to do it for real.